Sleepy Snowy
Here's Looking at You
Soaring Eagle
Burrowing Owl Portrait
Burrowing Owl Chick
Get Outta Here
Burrowing Owl Chick Test Flight
Itchy Owl
Morning Grooming
Banking Left
Running Start
Egret Portrait
Preening Egret
Flexible Egret
Sandhill Crane Soaring
Graceful Flight
Banking Right
The Queen
Bald Eagle Soaring
Pelican Trio
Hungry Pelican
Guarding the Burrow
Owl Struts
Always Aware
Black Phoebe
Marbled Godwit Take-Off
Owl Take-Off
Crane Tandem
Quail Pose 1
Quail Pose 2
Cactus Wren
Cactus Wren Ready to Launch
Cactus Wren Working
Black-Necked Stilt
Peaceful Float
Stilt Refletions
Raven Speaks
Vulture Hanging Out
Snow Geese Chaos
Mystical Snow Geese
Heron Take-Off
Snow Geese Blast-off
Heron Take-Off Reflection
Mountain Bluebird Take-Off
Western Bluebird Bringing It Home
Eagle Banking Right
Regal Eagle